Lincoln Estates 1000 Acres, Many Potential Uses, includes 2540 Acre Feet of Ground Water Rights.
Rainbow Canyon Live Stream runs through property with surface water rights 1873 priority dates!
Flatnose Ranch 680 Acres Alfalfa
Mathews Farm 266 acres between Caliente and Panaca in Lincoln County
Adams Peak Alfalfa Farm 1600 Irrigated Alfalfa Acres
Diamond Springs Ranch 33, 000 acres BLM Range Leases, and 1000 Acres Deeeded, Nice Cattle Operation
Eden Valley Alfalfa Farm 4.5 Sqaure Miles of deeded Alfalfa Farm with 18 Pivots, Approx 2300 Irrigated Acres
Small acreage land parcels also available in Lincoln County Nevada with three acres starting at $15,000.
Nice home site, room for animals, garden, orchard, beautiful views of Meadow Valley andPanaca Summit Mountains to the East. Located in Lincoln County , NV between Caliente and 6.5 miles South of Shell Station in Panaca on West side of Hwy 93. Less than a tank of gas from Las Vegas . Needs well and septic, for more information call Chris W Miller 435-862-5951
Domestic wells in Nevada are allowed to pump up to two acre feet of water per year, that is over 50,000 gallons per month for domestic use. Call Chris for a list of local well drillers to get more information.
Farm Life? Self Sufficiency, Sustainability, Personal Security of Food Supply and Fresh Water? Raise animals, gardens, orchards. Great Farmers Market in Caliente.
Peace, Quite, and Clean Fresh Air! Water our Most Precious Limited Resource!
Call Chris today at 435-862-5951
Land in Nevada
Nevada Ranch Properties
Lincoln County Land Market
Mesquite NV Real Estate Market
Nevada Water Rights
Peace, Quite, and Clean Fresh Air! Water our Most Precious Limited Resource!
Call Chris today at 435-862-5951
Land in Nevada
Nevada Ranch Properties
Lincoln County Land Market
Mesquite NV Real Estate Market
Nevada Water Rights